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Дмитрий Резниченко
email:Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. T:+7 91 19404323
The camp is for children and youth 7-18 years of age. In the beginning, the groups are 'younger' tending to get 'older' as the summer progresses. So, there are no very young children in August, as there are no older teens until mid June.
It would be great if one could learn the language in 7 days! Most of us could be polyglots in that case. Unfortunately, Euroclub can not provide this. However, it provides a great opportunity to start USING THE KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGE. Passive knowledge, usually learned in schools, surrounded by friends and teachers (half of them being foreign) – becomes active. There will be some revision, some new staff will be learned. All in all, bear in mind that they will have more lessons in a week than they usually have in one semester in regular school. It is important to understand that the camp is primarily about communication and use of language, with grammar structures and writing coming only after that.
Besides being one of the aims of the summer camp, we take attendance as sort of check up on students. We do not allow them to sleep during the day and then make mess throughout the night. We believe we provide very understanding bed time, and it has to be honoured. The exceptions are those students who are told by the camp doctor to stay in the room.
YES. Even when not in the mood for eating, students must be present during meals. Their teacher has a chance to notice this, find a reason and react to it if necessary. Parents of students with special eating habits, needs or food allergies need to contact Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. and inform her about it.
The first day upon arrival, students are divided into groups and settled into their rooms. The accommodation is organized in 15 bungalows – girls only or boys only in each. We pay attention to their wishes and try to have students of the similar age in rooms. The houses in general have four rooms with four to six beds and two toilets, wash basins and a shower. The accommodation is adjusted to student standard – colourful, but with no luxury. We ask of students to take care of their things, to make up their bed in the morning and keep the rooms tidy, allowing that way the cleaning staff to be efficient.
This summer camp is not army style, but certain rules have to be obtained – wake up call, daily routine, lesson time table, meal time table and bed time. There is plenty of free time during the day when they can do as they wish – do some sport or fun activities, quizzes, workshops, tournaments... or simply enjoy the sun and the beach. They get their teachers the very first day. The teachers are required to take care of their group during the whole time, with help of other staff members, guards, beach guards and night guard. A doctor or a nurse also live in the camp with students and can provide first aid.
The meals are organized in the 'self service' restaurant. For breakfast they choose from butter, marmalade, honey, soft cheese, pate, cereals and tea, milk or cacao. For lunch they have soup each day, followed by the main course with salad. For the main course, they choose from three different menus. For dinner they also have a choice of three cooked menus. We have a number of complaints from students concerning food – 99% of them without a real reason. I used to be so frustrated because of this until my own children grew a bit and I realized – that's it! They always complain about food no matter what! At least one of the three menus should be to student's liking, so they should be fine. The teachers will be with them during meal time, and if they really don't like something, they should talk to them and ask for help.
We take special care of the camp hygiene. Being a student camp with many children and teenagers, sometimes it gets to be really hard (picture the teen room in your house). We ask of students the minimum engagement – to make up their bed, tidy their stuff in their rooms and not to throw rubbish on the camp floors. The cleaning ladies clean the rooms daily, and they clean the toilets and showers at least twice a day (even more when necessary). If there is a problem concerning hygiene or anything else in houses, students are advised to make a complaint to their teacher and he or she will make sure it goes to the right person and the problem is solved.
Almost all students have cell phones, so we are not forbidding their use. However, it is limited to quiet time during the day (after lunch) or emergencies. Please, arrange with children to contact them during this hour. Also, they are not supposed to take them out or to the beach (because we find a number of cell phones in the sea every day, or someone sees it on the beach towel and takes it along). We are not responsible for any lost or stolen goods, so please make sure the gadgets students bring are cheap and simple – no need for expensive stuff. For the smartest ones – there are two phone boxes within the camp. They just need to buy a phone card at any news stand or post office. This is the cheapest, and you have no problem.
However, taken into concern their way of living at home and a number of hours they spend in front of TV or computer daily, we strongly advise to take this week off – and enjoy the friendship, sea and open air activities. There is an open air internet connection, too.
The emergency contact number in camp is +385-95-907-9116. Mail address is Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
In this case write a letter to Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. or fax +385-21-483-055. It will end up with the doctor or whom it may concern. Also, give one copy to the student for the teacher in the camp, so they are familiar with problem.
We'll mail you a letter with some additional info about the camp and the procedures (what to bring, what to expect, the estimated departure and the arrival time...). Please make sure that your mailbox works and that we have the right e-mail address.
The parents or guardians are responsible for student’s behaviour in the camp. In case of damage, they are obligated to pay for it. There is a pricelist for damaged things in every room – smaller amounts will be charged on spot and larger ones as agreed with parents or guardian.
In case of need, we can arrange for the transportation from airport, bus station or train station. Please, deal with this directly with our agent or Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
The students are obliged to behave properly during transport and time in the camp, and to behave properly towards all material goods and fellow campers, staff members and others. They are obliged to honour the daily routine and be present during all meals and lessons. They need to honour wake up and bed time. It is strictly forbidden to consume cigarettes, alcohol or drugs, or to leave the camp on his/her own. It is also forbidden to go to other campers' houses after bed time or entering the same when empty. The camper is also asked to take care of his own stuff, valuables and money. Valuables and money can be put in safe (contact your teacher). We are not responsible for anything that is lost or stolen. Any damage made in the camp needs to be paid on spot by student or within a week by parent or guardian.
In case of disobeying the house rules, the Organizer keeps the right to inform the parents about it and to break the Contract with student. The student will be asked to leave the camp. If parent or guardian is unable to arrange for the transportation, the Organizer will do the same – on Parent/Guardian cost. In case of breaking the contract due to Camp rules infringement – there are no refunds.