Student first name:
Student last name:
Parent's email: *
Parent's mobile phone:
City / Country:
Choose your camp type:
Adventure camp (2 week program)
English camp (1-4 week program)
Choose your arrival date:
23.06. - choose program
30.06. - choose program:
07.07. - choose program:
14.07. - choose program:
21.07. - choose program:
28.07. - choose program:
04.08. - choose program:
11.08. - choose program:
18.08. - choose program:
Length of stay:
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
How you found out about us :)
Google search
Google ads
From a friend
Your message?
Terms and conditions *

I have read the General Terms and Conditions and I agree with them.